This development involves the demolition of the existing aged care complex and the construction of a two-storey residential aged care facility plus basement level car parking.
At the ground floor, fifty rooms are provided, supported by a number of break-out spaces with TV and lounge areas, dining areas, common kitchens, storage rooms and patios. The floor layout is repeated identically at the first level, with the exception of the reception and multi-purpose space, where this is substituted with a staff room, gym, physio space, and terraces. A guest suite is also at the first level.
Total number of rooms is one hundred.
The ground level accommodates parking, including a porte cochere and parking at the centre of the site for bus drop-off.
In the basement, which is accessed by a ramp located at the western end of the site, parking, bin storage, plant rooms, kitchen facility, secure bicycle storage, linen store, staff room and a maintenance workshop is situated.